A little something extra for our live wedding painting collectors

We are happy to now offer stretched canvas and paper prints of your wedding painting! Learn more about how to order the perfect size replica of your painting below.

Before you order…

To start off, select your print size based on the format of your original painting. For example, if your original is 24”x36”, then choose from the options in that category. This would include 24x36, 20x30, 16x24 and 12x18. This will prevent the need to crop or alter the image. Color may vary slightly from original. Shipping is calculated based on your total order weight and shipping address.

Shipping costs will vary between $12-$20. Our stretched canvas prints will have a wire or hook attached, ready to hang. These prints are replicas of your original painting, and are ordered from a reputable fine art manufacturer and delivered to your door. Our paper prints are produced in our studio on an Epson art printer, and will be shipped to you rolled in a tube.

24 x 36 ………………………………………………. $320

20 x 30 ………………………………………..……. $260

16 x 24 …………………………………….…………. $220

12 x 18 …………….…………………………………… $210

24 x 30 …………...…………………………………. $292

16 x 20 ……..……….………………..……...……. $250

12 x 16 …………………………………...….………. $200

30 x 40 ……………………………..………………. $460

18 x 24 …………………………….…….……..……. $232



24 x 36 …………………………….…………………. $204

20 x 30 …………………………………………..……. $150

16 x 24 ………………………………..…….…………. $106

12 x 18 ………………………………………………..…… $76

24 x 30 …………………………………………………. $159

16 x 20 ………………………………………….….……. $84

12 x 16 ……………………………………….….….……. $75

30 x 40 ……………………..……………………. custom

18 x 24 …………….……………………………...……. $110